Sunday, February 24, 2013

March meditation sitting on Sunday, the 17th of March, 2013 at 3 PM

Dear Group Members,
We will be having our March meditation sitting on Sunday, the 17th of March, 2013 at 3 PMPlease make an attempt to arrive at 2:45 PM. If you need transport  (from the West end of Toronto) please let me know. I have sent an email to all the members with place of the meeting and the agenda. Hope you can make it.

We will be sending the donations we have raised as a group so far after the March meeting to Sati Saraniya Buddhist Hermitage (see the picture above and visit the web site too if you like).  We have raised $ 820 (from November to February). Much merit to all of you in the Hi Five group for your generous donations. 

May you be well, happy and peaceful.

With Mega Metta.

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